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Mètre Historique
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Mètre fashion

The Fashion Tape measure is a flexible tailors tape rule that illustrates 300 years of fashion history. From Madame de Pompadour via...

Mr. Sponge

Sponge Holder. After a long day of cleaning and scrubbing, your hard-working sponge gets his moment to chill and dry out as Mr. Sponge’s bow tie....


Dry your cutlery in this sink-side elephant. Place Jumbo so his trunk hangs over the edge and the water drips into the sink.

Mètre Art

The yARTstick is a painting gallery in pocket size. 2000 years of art history in 58 selected paintings, from the Ancient Romans to the modern...


Measure your children as they grow. On one side you can slip in a picture and on the other, you can write the date. Theophil is for two children.

Hug Doug

Douglas is very protective of kitchen utensils, ensuring that they don’t disappear into the soup or make a mess while lying around. A helpful...

Big Foot

There’s nothing scary about this BigFoot - as a matter of fact, you’ll feel like a winner if he joins you for dinner. He’ll help you toss and...