Quick view Pince Mi PINCE MI : this is a round clamp soft and colorful plastic reminiscent of a confetti. This letter holder will make your mail dance on your desk or...
Quick view Pendy - porte crayon Give your pens a place to rest! They say there’s a space for everything, and this tray is definitely the ultimate way to keep your desk organized....
Quick view Invisivase - Support à bouquet Accessory to create a minimalist vase, it had to be invented! It will allow you to instantly transform a cup, a bowl, a dish that you love into a...
Quick view Elastique marque-page Polar This elastic loop is attached to the book and allows you not to lose your page or bookmark! Sold by set of 3 different. The sentences are on one...
Quick view Bauhausoap - Porte savon Sponge soap holder : It often happens that the soap ends up on the sponge... yet the sponge (so useful) is rarely very clean. Our Bauhausoap...
Quick view King Tong (pinces) Kitchen tongs - Wooden tongs with silicone face. For all purpose handling of food & salads while cooking or serving.
Out-of-Stock Quick view Pince Moi PINCE MOI : this is a round clamp soft and colorful plastic reminiscent of a confetti. This photo holder will make your pictures dance on your...
Quick view Sweet Nessie - Sugar Spoon All Sweet Nessie wants to do is swim around your favorite brew. Spooning to your heart’s content, we know your sightings will be frequent
Quick view Bjorn - porte cuillere -... Bjorn is a silicone spoon holder. This little drakkar will sit on the edge of your pan and hold your wooden spoons above the dish; you will have...
Quick view Je veux juste te dire Secret message candle. Sometimes the anticipation is as sweet as the message itself. Add a little candlelight and you have a recipe for a perfect...
Quick view Pinceau Finn Pastry & basting brush - Fish shaped silicone brush with wood handle. Looks great hanging in your kitchen.
Quick view Pas'a pas Most kids don’t like going to bed on time, this magnetic board is here to help; it makes your daily routine more fun and practical by helping you...
Quick view Blue bear - Blocs congélation Re-freezable ice pack for lunch boxes and picnics. Next time you want to chill your icebox, picnic basket or lunchbox why not use something COOL?...
Quick view Pop up animal A three-dimensional object of art in the shape of an animal, made from a single sheet.
Quick view Woodpiece Pocket mémo This is the sticky memo, feeling the texture of different materials : the wood seemed like just had-been chopped from the red pine tree, or a...
Quick view Kaze Guru Ma Pinwheel magnets for you to feel the wind. It is an objet for your interior. It spins around and around, and you want to blow it more and more. It...
Quick view Tablecloth "Une rose" Joyful and espressive tablecloth to brighten up the room. Made in France with a quality « enduite » to keep the tablecloth clean longer !
Quick view Leaf Magnet Sea Series, designed by the inspiration from a memory that used to pick up stones, shellfishes, branches and etc on the beach, has the design...
Quick view Skyline rulers Use the straight side of the ruler for everyday measuring or take the scenic route when you have time to spare. The perfect gift to bring home...
Quick view Two Toned Balloon They become two-toned, take on impressive color tones and even look like some living creatures. Two-toned balloons that will look different when...
Quick view Mimi Pet This ear accessory is in the shape of a dachshund with a looong body, and also functions as earplugs. Add a little humor when you want to...