Quick view Hell Done When you're cooking a meal, Hell Done makes it perfect! This electronic thermometer sticks into the heart of the meat to check its doneness. Avoid...
Quick view Rockula - presse ail Garlic Crusher. Rockula’s not afraid of garlic.. He’ll rock back and forth until your garlic is crushed to bits! This is a vampire who never...
Quick view Drac N'roll - éplucheur d'ail Garlic Peeler Rock back and forth and give it a roll, toss the skinless cloves into the bowl. That’s how easy it is to prep a meal, with Drac N’...
Quick view Pickitty - Toothpick Dispenser This toothpick dispenser will make you smile from ear to ear! Shaped like a charming cat with toothpicks peeking out through its toothy grin, it's...
Quick view Agatha Double, Double, Toil and Trouble... Concocting a delicious potion? Agatha will hold your spoon and release the steam from your bubbling pot!